How Does Calcium Affect Our Bones?

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The tibial bones or tibias as it is commonly called are found in the front part of the upper part of the human foot and it is the most difficult to diagnose


The size of the tibia bone allows it to move weight from the foot to the shinbone of the lower leg. In actuality, the tibia is named after a Latin word which literally translates into 'shin bone'. Thus, the tibial bone is actually a shin bone that has developed due to continuous development in the lower limb bones and the bones around it.


Bones such as these have developed over thousands of years to give our bodies its current structure. When a person has a traumatic experience in their life, their bone growth becomes affected and eventually they experience bone deformities. These are known as bone deformities or osteoporosis.


A number of factors like trauma, infection, injury, aging and poor nutrition can affect bone growth. It is therefore important to make sure that you have an adequate amount of calcium in your diet. This is especially true for children and adolescents. However, calcium cannot be absorbed by our bodies naturally and is actually present in milk.


Bone health should therefore be the first priority of any healthy person. Calcium is a vital nutrient that helps the body in maintaining strong, healthy bones. It is the main substance responsible for the production of strong and flexible cartilage, bone cells and other parts of the bones.


Many health professionals recommend taking calcium supplements in order to supplement the amount of calcium that is being absorbed by the body and is therefore, better for your overall health. Calcium supplements are easily available through nutritional health stores and pharmacies. However, if you are suffering from kidney diseases, you should be very careful with the kind of calcium supplements that you take. There are some medications that can also have side effects that can affect your health adversely and you should be very careful before you take any medication.


Vitamins and minerals are important not only to make sure that your bones stay strong but also to help with digestion of food and energy production. As you grow older, you will need more nutrients from food and the bones and muscles become weaker. Vitamin A is essential for healthy bones and muscle development and D is a very important vitamin for healthy bone density.


However, all health problems can be treated naturally and do not need medical intervention. It is important to remember though, that prevention is always better than cure and you should keep up with regular checkups, proper eating habits, proper exercises and a good calcium diet.


Remember that even the elderly are vulnerable to osteoporosis because the skeleton becomes weak due to age and regular check ups are necessary. You should also be aware of certain health risks, especially for pregnant women and children who are vulnerable to bone injuries. One of the best ways to keep osteoporosis at bay is through exercise. Regular exercise is essential to protect the body against any injuries and even though it may be a little bit tough to find time for, you can definitely go for a walk or jog everyday to keep the bones strong.


The foods that you eat can also play a role in bone health and they should be well balanced. While it is true that you do not have to cut out fatty food from your diet, you should make sure that you do not add too much protein to it. This is because the increase in protein levels leads to an increase in your absorption of calcium.


Foods that are rich in calcium, like milk, cheese, yogurt, whole milk and other dairy products should be eaten daily and a high calcium intake helps keep osteoporosis at bay. You should try to eat these kinds of foods at least four to five times a day to get enough calcium. in your system.


To make sure that your body gets the right amount of calcium, you can also take calcium supplements. Even though calcium supplements may be expensive and may be taken in higher doses, they are considered to be the best way to go in order to ensure that your bones stay strong and healthy for the rest of your life.

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