Cervical Cancer

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Cervical spondylosis is a very common type of degenerative joint disease that affects the neck. Normally, the cartilages between the vertebrae, both the bone and the soft discs in between them provide cushioning for your spinal cord. However, with cervical spondylitis, the soft discs between the vertebrae and the vertebral bones become swollen.


This swelling, which is known as stenosis, causes the soft discs to move around too much, resulting in compression of the nerve roots inside the neck area. When this happens, the nerves that run from the brain to the neck area are compressed, thereby affecting the ability to feel pain in the affected area. The result is often chronic pain in the neck region, which is caused by nerves which are unable to transmit pain signals to the brain.


If you are at risk of developing cervical spondylitis or another type of degenerative joint disease, it is important to seek medical attention immediately. The earlier the problem is detected and treated, the greater the chances of a full recovery. Treatment options are available to help relieve the pain and prevent further complications.


Surgical treatment options for this condition are typically performed through Laparoscopy


Through this procedure, an incision is made in the neck area. A small camera will be inserted through the incision, allowing the doctor to view the affected area. Once an exact diagnosis has been established, a plan for treatment will be drawn up. Depending on the extent of the condition, different medications, exercises, and physical therapies may be prescribed.



In most cases, surgical treatment will be required in the form of a procedure known as an Arthrocentesis. This procedure is done through the insertion of an arthroscope, which is used to remove fluid from the affected area. The fluid collected during this procedure is used to assess the condition of your soft discs. If the condition is indeed degenerated, your doctor may recommend surgery to correct the situation. If the condition has been treated or if it is in remission, your doctor may recommend a procedure known as Aortic Valve Replacement.


This option is usually recommended for people who do not respond well to other treatments or who have had complications in the past. This procedure involves replacing a damaged or malfunctioning aortic valve by inserting a new one. It is done by inserting a new valve into the narrowed hole of the defective one. In addition to helping to relieve the pain and provide relief from the affected area, this procedure also improves the flow of blood and fluid into the affected area. It will also improve the condition of your cardiovascular system.


In the event of a non-surgical option, other options may be used. One of these options is through a non-surgical procedure called Endovenous Injections. Through this procedure, a needle is inserted under the skin to inject a small amount of medication directly into the soft tissue. Since the cause of the problem may be a buildup of pressure from abnormal cells, this medication is injected directly into the area. This injection helps to reduce the buildup of blood.


Before you decide upon the right course of action, it is always a good idea to discuss your case with a qualified physician. Your physician will advise you on the most appropriate course of action. He or she will also discuss the possible risks and side effects of your choice of treatment with you. In some cases, medications are used to treat symptoms of cervical cancer. However, when symptoms persist after several months, it is important that you seek medical attention to determine the underlying cause of your condition and find a solution that works for you.

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